NZ Humates


Our raw humate is exclusive to New Zealand and is extremely rich in humus, humic and fulvic acid

Andrew Fraser

dairy Farmer, Pokoru Rd, Te Awamutu

I have been using humates now on my farm in Te Awamutu for at least 7 years and I am very happy in doing so.

There are numerous reasons why I continue to use humates in my base fertiliser mixes including noticing the benefit in good and extended root growth in my pasture along with decreased nitrate levels found. Humate is easy to spread and is compatible with all the fert that we apply here on the farm. The pasture does not dry out as much during the dry periods as the humates seem to hold the moisture that little bit longer.

Fertco have been supplying me with all my fertiliser requirements for the last 15 years and I am more than happy with the recommendations that they provide. The answer lies in the soil and they have certainly managed to improve and maintain my excellent soil fertility levels which have also contributed to better animal health and conditioning.


Colin & June Webb

Growth Express

Growth Express Ltd is a biological agriculture specialist company which have for the past 10 years been providing on-farm consultations, soil and farm observation and analysis, soil test perusal and product recommendation in discussion with the farmer or horticulturist. 

Growth Express Ltd have been using HuMate products for a number of years now, in conjunction with other fertiliser products. We regularly recommend TriMate liquid humates and AusMate solid humates to our clients, and see constant success and very satisfied customers with both of these products.

TriMate mixes well with liquid fish and seaweed fertilisers, liquid or slurry lime and trace elements. The fulvic acid with its small molecule helps to take the other products into the plant, feeds the mycorrizhal to extend root pick up area, and the humic acid and humins help build carbon and humus in the soil. Farmers who use solid fertilisers find KiwiMate easy to use, either by mixing with mainstream fertilisers at source or by spreading with their own equipment .

HuMates build humus, pick-up, drainage, plant vigour and give plants a better chance to weather droughts better and recover sooner. They hold nutrients in the soil solution and distribute them to the plant when the plant requires them. They are one of our main ingredients for great results. 

Growth Express Ltd will continue to recommend and apply HuMates in their various forms as they have proven their worth on a large variety of our farming and horticulture client properties.



Humates has been a big part of my fertiliser mix on my kiwifruit orchard for over ten years now. 

We used to have very few worms in the soil. Since adding humates we now have bloody truckloads of worms in there! Even the people from EastPack who do the soil samples comment on how healthy our soil looks. 

Great product!

kevin crawford

Maize and kiwifruit grower, Te puke

Kevin has been using humates on his maize since 2011 and has some of the best looking maize in the area. HuMates has given consistently superior growth year after year and consistently higher yields. 

We also use humates on our kiwifruit and get the same good results with humates in our mix. 

Fred is a great help  and has a huge amount of knowledge on humates and his products always come through for us. 

Maize field treated with HuMates

Maize field without HuMates

tony & amanda chapman

dairy farmers, kurow

The Chapman’s run a 1100 hectare property in Kurow with a milking platform of 300 hectares. The remaining 800 hectares is used as running some merinos plus as a run off for the dairy farm.

The Chapman’s are into their second season of dairying and have been using HuMates for 4 years. Tony stated that while running sheep and cattle he had come to rely heavily on anthelmintic’s and was drenching his sheep every 3 weeks, but once he started using HuMates in his fertiliser at a rate of 6% he noticed a vast improvement in the animal’s health and was therefore able to reduce his drenching programme accordingly.

With the movement to dairying, cow health has been outstanding with minimal veterinary input. Tony stated that the only time they have the vet is for PD’s and some hoof trimming. In 2009 he was pleased to note that they only had 8% empties with 74%  held to service in the first 6 weeks of mating.

don hart

lamb farmer, springfield estate, methven

Don Hart of Springfield Estate runs an intensive mixed cropping, lamb finishing operation near Methven.

He used HuMates as part of his fertiliser program for years, using a minimum of 3% in all his mixes. Don said that by using HuMates as part of his fertiliser program he was able to reduce his fertiliser application by 30 % and use only 50% of urea as previously applied. With this fertiliser reduction, Don believes that his soils are healthier and with this he has noticed that worm numbers and biological activity has improved dramatically.

Since the use of HuMates, Don has also noticed a marked improvement in the general  health of lambs being fattened, with a reduction in the number of drenches required to fatten them.

peter cromwell

mount manaia bowling, northland

I first read about “Humate” in the Northern Advocate newspaper. The information in the article was interesting and gave me the idea that perhaps Humate could be used on our bowling green to some advantage especially as it is a natural fertilizer (ancient compost) I liked the idea of using such a product.

Our bowling green has only about 40mm of topsoil over yellow Northland clay which makes keeping a good cover of Starweed difficult.

After a month or so we could see that the winter growth was ahead of time and the whole green was looking better than normal. The strong growth continued throughout the playing season with good cover over the whole green.

The green keeper was pleased and now continues to apply HuMates at renovation times. He says that using HuMates has been the main reason for the green being one of the best greens in the Northland area. 

Slim & Janina Slee

Dairy Farmers, Strachan

Slim and Janina Slee have been using HuMates in all their fertiliser mixes for 5 years now at a minimum rate of 6%. Since the use of HuMates the pH has moved from 5.8 to 6.5, and brix levels have increased over the same period.

Since changing their fertiliser program and incorporating HuMates in all their fertilisers, they have noticed a vast improvement in the overall health of the cows coupled with a reduction in the incidence of pink eye to the point where it has all but disappeared, as previously it was a major problem each year.

Since starting on the HuMates program, Slim has noted over time that their milks protein levels have increased and with this season milking 950 cows they’re having their best fat/protein ratio ever and are on track to achieve a production of 460kg/cow.

Slim and Janina are really enthusiastic about the benefits of HuMates, especially in the area of animal health but another added bonus to them has been the reduction in weeds and thistles in the pasture and the improvement in soil health.
